you’ve been telling stories the wrong way

You, yes you. There is a lot of misinformation and claptrap out there on what constitutes an effective story. These days, everyone is a storyteller, which is abject nonsense. Do we really think everyone is a photographer on the basis we all have camera phones? Is everyone a word magician who entices the potential customer to impossibly, irresistibly, infinitely want what’s on screen? Can everyone tell a story in such a compelling way as to catapult the prospect to click the BUY NOW button? We both know these answers, which is why you are here. 

Get my spectacular FREE download on the 8 elements of a compelling marketing story and set yourself apart!

what’s in it?

the beginning of the rest of

your storytelling is here

there are many wrong ways but only one right way

You’ve heard it all before: people want to connect with brands, people need an emotional anchor, people need to feel aligned to your values, to your vibes… on and on it goes. All of these things are tinkering at the edges. Ever sat down wondering what on earth you are doing wrong? The core values are prominently displayed, the history of your product goes back to before disruption was even a marketing thing, and your own about page is as good as Lord of The Rings, but shorter. You are resilient, inventive, humble, an all-round good egg. None of it flies though.

Marketing stories only have one purpose: to ensure that your customer buys from you, preferably today, preferably right now, preferably with enthusiasm, preferably in multiples. Can you afford to continue wasting time on countless expensive videos that look and sound the same as everyone else’s, or on copy that simply does not convert, or on carousels that don’t get half a look in, or on countless digital assets that take an absolute age to make and don’t even look that good? It’s a very tough crowd out there, you need to be memorable.

Get my FREE download today and start telling your stories the RIGHT WAY.

LinkedIn animated video package

dare to be beautifully on point

What if your products and services could finally be perceived as the delight that they really are? How many times have you opened an email that really made you read it? Not many because so many companies and individuals are scared shitless of standing out. And so they copy what everyone else is doing under the guise of “needing to look professional”.

LinkedIn animated video package

You just haven’t dared yet


    You can look impossibly sleek and not menial.

    animated videos for business

    You can sound irresistibly faultless and not boring.

    animated videos for business

    You can be ferociously brilliant and not repetitive.

    animated videos for business

    You can instil all the feels and not feel inauthentic.

    animated videos for business

one click away

one click away

Get the formula today. Yes, formula.

There’s a formula for everything we write. Sometimes, there are several, depending on the desired outcome. But if you want your customers to jump at the opportunity to work with you, whether it is a fantastic product you have or the most helpful of services, then the formula is only one.

Go from totally drab to absolutely fab IMMEDIATELY.

What Do I Know?