videos for those who are sick of videos

the cost of trying

2D animated dog

Ostracism. Standing out. Criticism. Ridicule. Outcast. And that’s before we start thinking of what we need to communicate. But here’s for the real punchline: most people find little more yuk-inducing than to see, and hear, themselves on video. Are you one of the few who feel totally and utterly comfortable on camera? More power to you if you are! But have your selfie videos been falling on deaf ears for a while? Have they come and gone in people’s feeds faster than a whippet with a bum full of dynamite? That’s because everyone is at it lovey! And when everyone is churning out dreadful videos just because they have a camera in their pocket, your potential customers cannot tell wood for trees. So it’s decision time: keep doing what you’re doing or dare to be really, really visible.

2D animated character

dare to go pro

If you are totally done with being invisible, if you’re completely fed up with the countless hours you pour into your digital assets, if you are absolutely finished with trying to script and scrimp only to shoot and seethe afterwards, click below and let’s talk!

these memorable packages are for you if:

  • You're Fed Up

    You spend hours trying to DIY and end up with pedestrian results that only highlight how far you are from where you want to be. You now resent the AI-powered, user-friendly software you bought because the videos are never what you imagine in your head and the learning curve has turned out to be a greased pole you’re scaling in velvet gloves with your pants around your ankles.

  • You're Busy

    You’ve got other things to do. If you offer a service or a product but need to spend half of your time designing ghastly graphics or shooting content, you are concentrating on the wrong things. This is the task to be undertaken by someone who knows about visual storytelling so that you don’t fight a losing battle trying to become a Jackie of all trades. What for anyway?

  • You Can Do It

    And then you're kicking yourself when you are not an expert at everything within seven days like the internet promised. This is the black hole where your investment goes to die! Few people follow passive learning with committed, pointed, and repeatable actions. Implementation is where you fall down. And it hurts more with every stumble. Then you realise that, actually, you can’t do it after all.

  • You've Got Ideas

    And? Haven’t we all? Ideas often stand in our way because you need to step out of your head in order to make sense of them. When you have many ideas all competing for your attention, it is impossible to know which to execute first.

  • You're Dejected

    When you put something out, you do so to increase visibility. But if all you get is the like of your bestie from your first job, you know, deep down, that you need to up your game. How is anyone’s guess. And you want to stop guessing.

  • You Don't Know

    When you love what you do, you will always struggle to see it in the fantastic new and shiny light necessary for your customer to notice, and choose, you. You need an objective assessment of your strengths so that they can be spotlit.

from totally drab to absolutely fab

the way you tell your story makes all the difference

animated character

Winston Sterling - MGM Producer

“Do you know why so many businesses do not attract any way near the customers they wish? Because they do not give enough thought to the way they look. Simply put, bad design does not just make you look ugly, it makes you look like an amateur. And nobody wants to do business with an amateur.”

what you get with every LinkedIn Famous package

  • Impossibly appealing confidence to present yourself and/or your business in a visual tone that is memorable and unique!

  • 22 years of management consulting practice aimed at cutting out the noise so that you can be memorable!

  • Super-sharp focus only on the ideas that matter so that you quickly and impressively stand out!

  • At long last the serenity brought about by impactful decision-making. Let’s do this and get you out there.

  • Feel that lightness? No longer for you the countless hours frittered on something you were not even enjoying doing. Let me take on this stuff for you, so that you can get on with what matters to you!

and these memorable packages are also for you if you want


    No point in spending to be taught how to make videos or graphics. You do not need to!

    animated video package

    Enough with software that claims to be user-friendly and still takes years to master. No need!

    animated video package

    A learning curve akin to the sheer rock face of a mountain. You have other things to do!

    animated video package

    Live in hope, die in despair! Let me free your time and make you memorable!

    animated video package

from drab to fab

You may be full of good intentions but the road to hell is paved in them. Do you know when it’s best to use serif or sans? When to use tetradic or tonal hues? How to script your videos so that you speak to the heart of hearts of your customer’s core problem? Subscribe to From Drab to Fab my irresistible checklist to make you memorable. Lands when it lands ‘cos I have a lot to do. Will contain rants and profanity. Click that button at your own peril.